About the Film
About the Film 關於「快跑三十六小時」I Have it Maid, is a documentary that talks with runaway domestic household workers from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam to learn about the reasons and situations associated with their fleeing. The film then focuses on a specific case about a Filipina named Vicky, who after years of working 24/7 on call, with almost no time off, decides to run away from her employer out of desperation.

Directed by Alex Wolfgram and Nick Vaky, the two former graduate students of NCCU in Taiwan trace Vicky’s life from the Philippines when she was hired from her original broker all the way throughout her life in Taiwan in order to understand how her life ended up the way it did. The film incorporates interviews with brokers in addition to ones with various scholars, NGOs and politicians from both Taiwan and the Philippines to give viewers a comprehensive understanding of the structures and issues that most people believe are causing the workers to flee. I Have it Maid then concludes with suggestions as to how to improve the phenomenon of runaway workers for both the betterment of their lives in Taiwan as well as Taiwan’s society.